Ozark High School's International Baccalaureate Plan has Ties to Obama and Domestic Terrorist William Ayers

Ozark High School is now on the fast path to radicalize the education of Ozark students with Obama's left-wing agenda. The International Baccalaureate program has ties to some of the most radical left-wing activists in this country--educational radicals with deep connections to Barack Obama like America hating domestic terrorist William Ayers.

William Ayers 
To give you some background about the radicals involved in this push for the International Baccalaureate in the United States, you have to look at Ayers (aka Bill Ayers), who was one of the masterminds behind the Weather Underground during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Weather Underground was a group of radical domestic terrorists who bombed multiple targets in the United States. It is Ayers who came from this group who has become a powerful voice of left-wing education tactics in America through the Annenberg Project. Obama and Ayers served on the Annenberg Challenge board in Chicago. I remind you William Ayers is a radical left-wing, unrepentant domestic terrorist who is on record opposing what this country stands for.

The Annenberg project is an education think tank that worked to reform Chicago schools. The radicals that Obama met and worked with on this board including Ayers and Arnie Duncan, the current Department of Education Secretary is part of what is driving the International Baccalaureate movement in the nation's schools, which is now being pushed by administrators at Ozark High School as well. The spread of the International Baccalaureate in Chicago came directly as a result of partial funding from the Annenberg Challenge, the same board on which Obama Ayers both sat.

Obama with Arne Duncan
It is Obama's relationships in education with radicals like Ayers and Duncan (Duncan pushed for exclusively gay high schools at tax payers expense in Chicago) that is driving Obama's education direction which includes the International Baccalaureate.

A 2008 position paper from the Obama campaign notes Obama's support for the International Baccalaureate program.

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will create a national 'Make College a Reality' initiative, based on the successful efforts underway in many states to increase the percentage of students taking rigorous courses and assessments, such as Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate courses."

As well, Obama's Education Secretary is also pushing this agenda, which Ozark School officials are pushing through without providing parents much insight into the IB's globalist agenda.

Support for the program also comes from U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan. In a May 2010 Council on Foreign Relations forum, Duncan advocated more international integration for U.S. schools.

"I really appreciate the chance to have this conversation. I want to begin by discussing two important trends that inform our drive to transform education here in America. The first is increased international competition and the second is increased international collaboration," Duncan stated.

The reference is to international collaboration, but while he was superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools, Duncan promoted the International Baccalaureate Curriculum.

The Chicago Public Schools website features two pages that discuss the implementation of the International Baccalaureate program in the Chicago schools.

Both pages say one of the goals of the International Baccalaureate Curriculum in Chicago is encouraging students to be globalists.

Remember I have documented in past articles concerning the actions of the Ozark School Board, these globalist values aren't in line with American values. In fact, there is an anti American sentiment that comes with the program that is consistent with the radicals Obama continues to place in his cabinet and give the unconstitutional position of Czar to. These values include the Communist belief of the redistribution of wealth, same sex marriages, abortion rights, and other left-wing agenda items.

Now consider what you know about Obama and Ayers. Their history clearly opposes the America our founding fathers created. Obama was a practicing communist in college and is currently pushing this country into something that resembles more of Karl Marx's writings than Thomas Jefferson as the power of the state increases over the power of the individual in the United States. Then look at Ayers, a co-founder of the communist promoting Weather Underground that attacked targets in the United States during their terrorists reign, and it should be no surprise they are pushing the International Baccalaureate.

It promotes ideas both Obama and Ayers embraced in their you and still embrace when you remove the curtain of Obama's rhetoric.

The International Baccalaureate is an education program approved by the United Nations with the goal of making your child a good global citizen. Remember, the word American isn't mentioned there. Chicago Public Schools, the same school system that Obama, Ayers, and Duncan pushed the globalist International Baccalaureate program through while they sat on the Annenberg Project doesn't even hide the globalist belief. Their site reads:

Enable students to become global citizens by encouraging their understanding of people from other countries and cultures.

So we get this devaluing of ones own culture for a multi-cultural environment. Multiculturalism has been described the new communism.

“The Communist Alliance supports multiculturalism, the integration of the best and most progressive of immigrant cultures into a new multicultural Australian culture while rejecting all that is backward and reactionary,” said Brenda Kellaway, Communist Alliance candidate for the NSW Senate.

Also as noted before, the International Baccalaureate supports the Earth Charter, which further puts the whole intentions of the IB in question. IB issued the following words of support for the Earth Charter

We, the undersigned, endorse the Earth Charter. We embrace the spirit and aims of the document. We pledge to join the global partnership for a just, sustainable, and peaceful world and to work for the realization of the values and principles of the Earth Charter. We pledge to join the Global Partnership in Support of the Earth Charter Initiative for a sustainable way of life AND urge all governments to endorse the Earth Charter.

The following is a few items of interest parents may want to know before Ozark High School continues spending your tax dollars to enter this Marxist education program:

The Earth Charter is housed in the Arc of Hope and is correctly identified by the World Pantheist Association as a Pantheistic document. Besides Pantheism, the Earth Charter advocates:

1. The redistribution of wealth between nations and within nations [Art. 10.a.]
2. Same-sex marriage [Art. 12.a.]
3. Spiritual education [Art 14.d.] which means education in Pantheism.
4. Military disarmament [Art. 16.d.&e.]
5. Creation of an international agency to make the Earth Charter binding on all nations [in The Way Forward action-plan.]

What perplexes me most about this is the IB obviously makes a statement against any kind of God. After all, Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (Nature) and God are identical.Pantheists thus do not believe in a personal, anthropomorphic or creator god. The perplexing part of this is Ozark Schools superintendent Dr. Gordon Pace is an Evangel College graduate. I wonder if his required courses on theology at the religious private college correspond with the IB push of Pantheism.

Surely the IB doesn't represent the values taught at Evangel Univeristy, private Christian university affiliated with the Assemblies of God, huh Dr. Pace?

The people of Ozark need to show Dr. Pace he is wrong for moving in this direction. The IB doesn't represent our American values, nor does it represent our Christian values. It has been pushed by the radicals associated with Obama like domestic terrorist William Ayers, who with Obama pushed for the spread of the IB in the Chicago Public Schools. In fact, if Dr. Pace continues to want to avoid these truth, along with Chuck Fugate the president of the school board, and Sam Taylor, the principle at Ozark High School. If these three people continue to misdirect the residents of Ozark about the truths of the IB, then it's up to the people of Ozark to send these men packing on to new jobs. They are supposed to offer education that reflects the values of the community, not education that indoctrinates them with Marxist and globalists philosophies--after all we are Americans first--not global citizens like the IB advocates.