Where is "Healthy Food" Michelle Obama's Opposition to the Food Safety Act?

When you see a news story about Michelle Obama, she's usually pushing healthy foods upon our children and other Americans. For some strange reason, she is incredibly quiet over the Food Safety Act--a bill that will force Americans to eat frankenfoods while making organic foods harder to acquire for all Americans. The Food Safety Act gives the federal government and big agri business more control over the nation's food supply, and it has little to do with the actual safety of food.

So isn't it interesting, as Michelle Obama shoves millions of dollars of salad bars down our throats through the Department of Education citing healthier food, she has said nothing about the Democratic backed with a few deceptiCON Republicans like David Vitter and Olympia Snowe, about a bill that may make having a home garden a hassle from the federal regulations. Does Michelle Obama really care about healthy foods?

Considering all the studies that have presented questions about the safety of Monsanto engineered GMO foods, we are obviously seeing the hypocrisy of the Oval Office and the first lady. In one breath they say they care about the health of Americans and try to promote healthy foods, but you know in another breath Obama's hands will sign the Food Safety Act, which is guaranteed to allow more genetic altering of the food supply while Michelle Obama smiles on thinking she is now proud of her country because the federal government has just taken over power over the nation's food supply while padding the pockets and pushing the agenda of companies like Monsanto.

All the while, the organic farmer pushing healthy foods will be forced to surrender their money and their land once these regulations take over. The Obama's care nothing about healthy food. Michelle Obama's healthy food initiative is a huge lie.