Livestrong Doctor Warns of Flesh Eating Bacteria Immune to Most Anti Biotics: Could the TSA be a Vehicle for Terrorism?

The TSA's job is supposed to be to help prevent terrorism, but with their new oppressive pat downs that get extremely personal, what if they became a vehicle to spread terrorism? We already know the TSA don't change their gloves after each passenger like medical offices do with patients. What if they were to come in contact with a terrorist with an invisible weapon--a bacteria that leads to death? Livestrong, Lance Armstrong's cancer research charity, issued the following video warning of such a threat, although they don't specifically mention transmission through the TSA.

Anyone who flies for a living, understands the exposure to a variety of ailments whenever you are at the airport thanks to the airports brining in people into close proximity in a narrow tube for hours at a time. It's very possible, if the TSA continues to touch you with gloves they don't feel the need to change, that they could actually spread terrorism.

Dr. Clifford Sewell, MD, explains about a bacteria that could be used by terrorists, and the most ironic thing is, the TSA touching millions of passengers could be the vehicle that spreads the terror. All it takes is broken skin or an entry point.