Raw Milk is the New Terrorist Enemy of the United States: The New American Food Police State Begins in Los Angeles Even Before the Food Safety Act Begins

There was a time in America where raw milk was all you could get. I have bought raw milk at a farmer's market for its health benefits, but like all other foods milk has to go through a frankenfood process that robs it of its natural nutrients. Apparently, this is enough for the federal government to begin treating people who prefer organic foods over frankenfoods like terrorists even before the Food Safety Act has passed through the Senate.

Now remember, we are a free country, but our federal government is telling us what kind of foods we can eat and what kind of foods we can't eat. It's only going to get worse when the Food Safety Act, SB 510, is passed. There will be more attacks on attempts to raise healthy organic foods if SB510 passes, and it's being pushed through Congress by companies like Monsanto who want to control the food supply around the world.