Reuters Writes Al Gore Commits Acts of Self Interest and Not for the Benefit of theEnvironment

Al Gores waffling on corn-based ethanol has exposed another Al Gore hypocrisy. Once again we see Al Gore does what is good for Al Gore and not the environment he claims to care about. Remember this is a man that uses over ten times as much electricity as the average consumer.

From the Washington Post:

Former vice president Al Gore said Monday that he regrets supporting first-generation corn-based ethanol subsidies while he was in office.

Reuters reports that Gore said his support for corn-based ethanol subsidies was rooted more in his desire to cultivate farm votes for his presidential run in 2000 than in doing what was right for the environment:

"It is not a good policy to have these massive subsidies for first-generation ethanol," said Gore, speaking at a green energy business conference in Athens, Greece. First-generation ethanol refers to the most basic, but also most energy intensive, process of converting corn to ethanol for use in vehicle engines.