Penny Moroney at St. Louis Lambert Says She was Sexually Assualted by TSA: Showing the TSA in the Claire McCaskill's Show-Me State (Love Pats Claire?)

Roll back to just a couple days ago, when dolt of a senator Claire McCaskill called the TSA gropes "love pats." Remember how she said she looks forward to getting her nasty naked body scanned by the TSA thugs because she has a knee replacement? Apparently it's not all fun and games.

Penny Moroney from Chicago has artificial knees and she is proving McCaskill is full of you know what. As if you didn't know that. Moroney says the metal in her knees is what forced the intrusive TSA's "love pats" on her body, unwanted by the Chicago woman.

“Her gloved hands touched my breasts...went between them. Then she went into the top of my slacks, inserted her hands between my underwear and my skin... then put her hands up on outside of slacks, and patted my genitals.”

“I was shaking and crying when I left that room” Moroney says. “Under any other circumstance, if a person touched me like that without my permission, it would be considered criminal sexual assault.”

I guess in Claire McCaskill's show-me state, they really want you to show them. "Love pats" Claire? This shouldn't be happening in America Senator McCaskill. This woman isn't laughing over your stupid comment that supports the American police state.