Why Hasn't Billy Long Taken a Stand TSA Checkpoints?: He Wants to Serve on Transportation Committee but Silent on Groping

Billy Long wants to serve in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, yet he has been notably quiet this week in Washington DC over the growing police state in America. Long has been more worried about whether or not he should wear his cowboy hat in his Congressional picture rather than address the issue of the TSA. It's obviously going to be discussed in the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Why isn't this an important enough issue for Long to take a stand on?

Representative John Mica (R-Florida) is one of the members in Congress that are taking a stand against the TSA. He will also probably chair the committee Long hopes to serve on, yet Long has made not comments in the election or during his first week in Washington about where he stands on the TSA's oppressive government checkpoints. For a man who claims he was tea party before the tea party was cool, Long obviously isn't quick to pick up and fight for tea party stands. This should be a no brainer, and yet all we have record of this week on policy from Long is House leadership and a ban on earmarks, which will do nothing to lower the national debt.

Come on Billy Long, you claim you are one of us, but you look happier cozying up to Nancy Pelosi than you do taking a stand without consulting with your handlers.