The Industrial Military Complex to Divide the GOP: John McCain Attacks Rand Paul, Allen West Supports Military Cuts

Let's face it. Most Republicans are being dishonest with the American people about cutting the national debt. How do I know this? They are focused on earmarks like it's some kind of cure all for all wasteful federal spending, when in fact earmarks equal just a bit more than one percent of all federal spending. While we do have honest Republicans who are truly concerned about cutting the national debt and cutting wasteful spending in Congress, some members of the GOP establishment are already attacking them.

Here's the idiot Maverick John McCain calling out Rand Paul suggesting cuts in the defense budget. We spend 46% of the world's total military budget, and McCain is worried there may actually be places to cut in the military? Good gravy, but he will push the no-earmarks rhetoric that will not cut into one dime of federal debt. Why can't the military budget be on the table too Mr. McCain? The bottom line, there isn't a military around that crush the national debt.

Now here's Republican Allen West, who explains how to cut the military budget while prioritizing national security. He says we have to stop fighting wars to occupy. Amen brother, amen! We can cut the military budget and still win battles. This is what I am talking about when I say the military budget should be on the table.