GOP Billy Long Attacks Free Markets and Not the Attack on Freedom at US Airports

Billy Long tweets this morning: At Reagan Sat. I found out what a pair of Cowboy Boots weighs. AirTran asked $49 + $20 bag fee for 3 extra lbs., boots out -3.5 lbs

And still we wait for any type of official comment from Congressman-elect Long on the oppressive, freedom killing intrusive federal government sponsored TSA checkpoints in the nation's airports that continue to grope passengers and make scans of their naked bodies. It seems Billy Long would rather complain about the free market practice of private corporations charging more for heavier luggage, which coincidentally costs the airlines more considering the extra weight and fuel needed to carry that weight,  than to take a stand against the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security, which was formed under a Republican administration and promised to receive more power under John Boehner's Pledge to America.

And Billy Long is probably bragging at breakfast this morning at the Price Cutter that's $69 he saved taxpayers as he complains he misses his police escorts. Going to Washington has already gone to his head.

By the way, does Greenwood Laboratory Schools teach cowboy boots are a proper noun or are cowboy boots so important to Billy Long that he designated them a proper noun?