John Boehner Not Required to go Through TSA Checkpoint: Certain Congressmen Don't Get Their Junk Touched

New writes John Boehner gets to opt out of the TSA all together. This is important to note because John Boehner's Pledge to America promises more power to the Department of Homeland Security to fight terrorists, and we see what a crackpot team the Department of Homeland Security's TSA has become. writes:

John Boehner could have insisted on getting the groping being inflicted on American citizens. He and the rest of the mainstream Republicans have had only a tepid response to the biggest assault on our rights in recent memory, the Transportation Security Administration's policy of mass assaults on Americans.

If Boehner had gone through one of those "aggressive pat-downs" of his genital area, he could have employed the experience to educate himself about what is occurring to the people who put him in power. He could then have warned the administration that the House will be holding hearings into the TSA assaults once the Republican majority takes power in January.

Instead, Boehner was given a police escort around security.

Now remember, John Boehner has been picked to lead the House of Representatives, which is supposed to be the House of Congress for common men as compared to the Senate, but apparently these common men have become men and women of privilege. While the rest of the people in their Congressional districts have to be groped, it appears members of Congress get special treatment.

This isn't just an attack on Boehner either. It's doubtful Nancy Pelosi gets felt up either.