The Buck Stops Here: The Fondling Stops Here: Obama Could Put an End to TSA Tyranny if he Wanted To

Rush Limbaugh makes another great point. Like Harry S. Truman and the buck stops here, Obama could make a statement to support freedom--the fondling stops here issuing an executive order to stop the nonsense at the TSA. Obama himself is a pro-choice supporter, which means he believes women have the rights to make a decision for their own bodies, I wonder why no one else has a right for their own bodies in Obama's world, especially to keep them safe from sexual assault from government employees. I am not saying the pro-choice argument is correct, but I am saying it's an obvious hypocrisy from Obama, whose White House further justified the need for the naked scans and the groping going on at airports today.

So why isn't Obama issuing an executive order to put a stop to the TSA oppressive checkpoints at airports? I mean this is the same guy who scolded Bush for his efforts to fight terrorism. Just like wiretapping, Obama takes what Bush started and turns it into the extreme therefore creating a true American police state. Obama scolded Bush for wiretapping to listen in on Al Qaeda, but shortly after Obama got into office, he called for legal immunity for the federal government in matters regarding wiretapping, which is clearly a violation of the Fourth Amendment, and then he pushed it further saying the federal government had the right to track citizens with their cell phones.

The truth is, Obama wants this. He wants to American people to accept this and not question it, because it conditions the people into believing liberty is worth sacrificing for security, while the federal government uses fear to acquire more power. Obama could stop all of this by a simple executive order, but time and again we are finding out the things Obama scolded Bush for, he has pushed for even harder in his administration.