Americans Aren't Very Bright Considering Only 43% Want to See Barack Obama Reelected, Here's Why

A new Qunnipiac University Poll shows only 43% hope that Barack Obama will see a second term. OK, that's good news right. Americans can't be considered that ignorant for hoping they will soon see Barack and Michelle Obama pack their bags. That is until you consider who beats Barack Obama when paired against him.

According to the poll Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee beats Barack Obama 49 to 43 percent. Now let's think about that. What are two issues conservatives and republicans are mad at Obama over right now--healthcare and taxes right (Bush tax cuts)?

OK, so you have Mitt Romney who introduced Romneycare, the healthcare legislation Obamacare was modeled after, currently running as the front runner for the GOP in early polls. As well Mike Huckabee is doing almost as well in polls, and Huckabee raised taxes in Arkansas. These aren't good choices in my opinion. I wonder what those who are taking the polls basing their decisions on? "Well that Huckabee guy plays a mean bass guitar on Fox News."

Sarah Palin, according to the poll, shows Obama wins reelection if she is the nominee, 48-40. I have problems believing there is an eight point difference.

Considering this poll and the direction Romney and Huckabee took their states, and I have to ask, is there a real conservative that will step up and represent the Republicans and beat these two?