Hitler was burning Jews long before the United States entered World War II. We did everything we can to avoid fighting the war in Europe, but eventually the fight against Hitler took place.
Stalin purged hundreds of thousands of Russians in his quest to maintain his power. The United States built an alliance with Stalin.
Chairman Mao killed millions of Chinese at the American government watched.
The US overlooked the evils of Saddam Hussein against his own people, because at the time, he was fighting our enemy, Iran. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
During the Cuban revolution that brought Fidel Castro to power, Che killed tens of thousands innocents, and yet the US stood and did nothing.
Most recently, the Iranian people rose up for revolution against Ahmadinejad. Obama stood and watched only for the people of Iran who craved freedom over Ahmadinejad to be silenced.
Throughout history, we have scenarios such as these in which the United States maintained the Constitution realizing our military was to be used to provide a common defense. However, for some reason Obama feels its time to overthrow the Libyan government led by Qaddafi. Why now?
Why didn't Obama take these actions, that he has justified in Libya, to support the freedom fighters in Iran a few months ago as they began their uprise? Not that I support the war, but there is clearly a hypocrisy in Obama's actions in Libya and his lack of action in Iran.
Throughout the federal government from Republican neocons like freshman Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler all they way up to the Obama administration is we must protect civilians from being killed by their government. We must protect those who love freedom, life, and liberty.
It appears to me that when it comes to protecting these people, there is an underlying motive as to who is protected and who isn't.