Obama Administration Argues Attack on Libya Was Constitutional: Closed Door Meetings to Consult Some Members of Congress

The United States Constitution clearly says the purpose of the United States military is to provide a "common defense." It also gives Congress the power to declare war. However, with that said, neither of these two requirements were met in Obama's illegal war against Libya. To get nit picky, the I haven't heard one member of the Republican majority in the House claim Obama consulted with them on the attack.

Still, we have the Obama administration claiming they did consult with members of Congress--just not majority members of Congress in what appears to be secret closed-door meetings with a few members of Congress that Obama was planning an attack on Libya.

“Our view is that a mission of this kind — time limited, well defined and discrete — clearly falls within the president’s constitutional authority,” the national security aide Ben Rhodes told reporters in Chile. “We take very seriously the need to consult with Congress.”

That's funny! "Time Limited?" This has been going on for a couple weeks now, and while Obama has had no problem picking NCAA brackets, playing golf, and flying off to South America to be rejected, the White House tries to tell us the president had to take swift actions like he had no time to consult with all of Congress. Obviously, once again, the Obama administration doesn't take Congress very seriously. Just like how they have taken a stalled cap and trade bill out of the Senate and told the EPA to begin regulating carbon emissions without its passage.

Oh, and about those secret closed-door meetings. Remember John Boehner said he had not been consulted, and yet the Obama administration is now saying Obama “did consult with members of Congress” before announcing the attack, pointing to a Situation Room meeting with Democrats and Republicans. Who? Pelosi and Reid? Were the Republicans shut out like they were during the Obamacare debates?

Obama is becoming a tyrannical dictator who doesn't allow checks and balances to get in the way, and these quotes coming from the Obama administration should concern all Americans as Obama has just paved the way for a third war.