Hey Billy Long, Where is Your $100 Billion, I Mean $61 Billion in "We Got 'er Done" Budget Cuts

Billy Long came home to the district telling his constituents "we got 'er done." He was referring to the meager $100 billion in spending cuts promised by the Republicans worst possible choice for Speaker, John Boehner. Even with the number not even close to the $100 billion promised, Long had no problem lying to constituents despite failing to come up with $39 billion in cuts to make the $100 billion goal.

Is it any wonder why, when Billy "I'm fed up with wasteful federal spending" Long voted against cutting nearly $30 million a year in federal NASCAR sponsorships, an appropriation that has cost Americans over $100 million in the last ten years.

So what is the status of the "we got 'er done" spending cuts Billy Long bragged about. Well, they aren't even close to being done. They hit a brick wall in the Senate, which means the $61 billion Long bragged about probably isn't going to get cut.

Now this is a lesson on courage, or lack of, by Billy Long and his Republican deceptiCON cronies. Knowing the Senate wasn't going to pass their budget cuts, why didn't they go crazy and cut up to a trillion in federal spending in order to make a statement to the American people and put pressure on the Senate? Could it be the Republicans were never serious about these spending cuts in the first place, which is why they couldn't even come up with a $100 billion in spending cuts? The Republicans in the House missed an opportunity, and looking back they look quite silly today considering how little they have accomplished as big mouths like Billy Long brought more light to just how much Washington is willing to lie to us.