The Roles Have Changed: America Didn't Approve of NAZI Germany's Imperialism, and Now Germany Doesn't Like the American Empire Machine

I learned a fascinating fact today about NATO and the Warsaw Pact. You know the history of how Adolf Hitler attempted to march across Europe to develop a German empire. We didn't care for his actions in the United States back then and eventually helped defeat his aggression. So as Obama begins his war in Libya that will almost assuredly end in occupation just like in Iraq, the Germans aren't very approving. The roles have shifted.

Germany has the ultimate power and just may use it. For decades, America has held bases in Germany, and these actions may soon bring it an end as NATO is in chaos after Obama's attack on Libya. As well, based on the tension, which has Germany issuing warnings within NATO they might pull out of NATO, and then kick America out of their country once and for all. And Obama was supposed to strengthen those strained ties caused by George W. Bush.

It will be interesting to watch, because this empire building has been happening now since the end of World War II. There is a cold war fact not many of you are probably aware of that I learned today. Did you know Stalin offered to reunite Germany in 1952?

From Lew Rockwell this morning:

In 1952, Stalin offered a great deal to the US: he would pull his troops out of East Germany and allow the country to be reunited, provided it was as a peaceful, neutral, demilitarized nation that would be part of neither Nato nor the Warsaw Pact, much like Finland. The US rejected this proposal, ensuring another 47 years under the Communist boot for the East Germans.

What did America get? Occupation in Europe, just like we are growing in the Middle East with no Constitutional authority.