Will Obama Demand a Draft to Carry Out His Unconstitutional Wars?

The era of the last draft in United States history was because of a war started by a Democrat. Vietnam sent thousands of boys, often against their will, to fight for democracy (a principle our founding fathers didn't approve of as they ratified the Constitution created a Republic) and freedom in Vietnam. Since 1973, the United States has prepared for war with an all-volunteer military, but with the United States now in three wars with the possibility of war in Syria, Yemen, and Iran on the horizon, you have to ask how far will Barack Obama go to fight these wars of aggression.

Fortunately, for Obama, the labor market looks bleak for today's high school seniors. The economy isn't good, and with high fuel prices, many don't have faith it will get better. Therefore, recruiters aren't having problems enlisting young men and women for service. However, if we continue to engage in endless, unpopular wars, like the war Obama has started in Libya, one may assume these recruiting numbers may decrease. (By the way, where are the war protests against Obama that were present during the Bush years? Are the peace protesters hypocrites? War is okay as long as a liberal Democrat runs the war?)

So, with the possibility of other wars in the Middle East based on similar situations that Obama launched war in Libya, how much longer until the United States returns to a draft to rejuvenate an already tired military that has been fighting endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for almost ten years? Could Obama reinstate the draft? I think that's a real possibility if Obama continues to expand US aggression.