Obama Wants to Ensure Future Indoctrination in DC Public Schools

Earlier this year, Obama's chief science advisor John Holdren said the key to getting people to accept global warming is through education. Have no doubt, this means indoctrination. Obama is getting ready to make it harder for Washington DC students to escape this indoctrination.

The White House released a statement yesterday once again pushing for more federal education control and less possibility to send your kids to better private schools.

While the Administration appreciates that H.R. 471 would provide Federal support for improving public schools in the District of Columbia (D.C.), including expanding and improving high-quality D.C. public charter schools, the Administration opposes the creation or expansion of private school voucher programs that are authorized by this bill. The Federal Government should focus its attention and available resources on improving the quality of public schools for all students. Private school vouchers are not an effective way to improve student achievement. The Administration strongly opposes expanding the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program and opening it to new students.

Rigorous evaluation over several years demonstrates that the D.C. program has not yielded improved student achievement by its scholarship recipients compared to other students in D.C. While the President’s FY 2012 Budget requests funding to improve D.C. public schools and expand high-quality public charter schools, the Administration opposes targeting resources to help a small number of individuals attend private schools rather than creating access to great public schools for every child.

Rigorous evaluation? I guess we won't know what defined the evaluation, but I have a feeling it resembles Holdren's idea of the perfect educational setting.