The Left is Exploiting Marcelas Owens Again: Obamacare Didn't Bring His Mommy Back From the Grave

Remember Marcelas Owens--the little boy that reminds you of Gary Coleman--whose mother chose not to go to the doctor and conservatives got the blame for her death? Remember, her death had nothing to do with her refusing to go to doctors or applying for Medicaid, but it had everything to do with Republicans opposing Obamacare.

Well on the one year anniversary of the official entry into socialized medicine, also known as the day Obama care passed, it was time to dust off Marcelas Owens to make you feel guilty about not supporting Obamacare. Obamacare does all these great things, and Marcelas Owens mom would still be alive today if we only had Obamacare... Right? Heck, it's amazing Obamacare didn't resurrect her from the grave to deliver to Marcelas with as much faith as some people have in Obama.

Do you remember what Rush Limbaugh discovered when he started digging into the life of Marcelas's mommy? I already gave some of it away, but here is the transcript:

RUSH: All right. We've done a little research out there on this boy and his mother, his family -- and wait until you hear it. Wait until you hear it.

But, first, I got a note from my friend. This is really clever. "Rush, my wife and I are enjoying your company as we drive around in north Florida. I just heard you report what 'Dirt' Durbin said that 70 people a day die because of no health insurance. Does that mean that everybody else who dies has health insurance? If so, does that mean that health insurance is a big killer?" Now, that is a great way to look at this. (laughing) Health insurance a big killer! Seventy 70 people who don't have it die every day, but look at the number of people who had health insurance died. How many people died today because they couldn't get care from Medicare, Medicaid, S-CHIP or the Veterans Administration? Don't forget, folks: The largest insurance company in this country is the US government, and they do not grant everybody treatment.

They have denials left and right. They deny more claims than private sector insurance companies do. Here's the story from the Seattle Times, March 8th. "Local Boy Who Lost Mom Takes Health Care Story to DC -- His mother, Tifanny Owens, was working as an assistant manager at Jack in the Box when she began suffering from mysterious vomiting and diarrhea in September 2006. By October that year, she had missed so much work that she lost her job -- and her insurance. Two months later, Owens sought emergency care at Swedish Medical Center's Central Area campus, where a doctor diagnosed her with pulmonary hypertension, a serious type of high blood pressure involving the arteries in the lungs. In January, she again went to Swedish's emergency room and was hospitalized for eight days." All this without insurance. She was treated. Repeat: She was treated, and she had no health insurance."Owens' mother, Gina Owens, said her daughter, who didn't qualify for Medicaid," don't know why "avoided regular visits to a doctor despite frequently throwing up blood." She just wouldn't go.

"In June 2007, Tifanny Owens was hospitalized yet again, this time at University of Washington Medical Center. After a week of unconsciousness, she died at age 27, leaving Marcelas and his two younger sisters. Gina Owens has custody of the three children." Now, the woman's mother (this Gina Owens who has now has custody) worked for the "Washington Community Action Network," an ACORN offshoot, "the state's largest consumer-advocacy group. Her death made the family's cause personal." So not ACORN. SEIU. She worked for the Service Employees International Union, the mother of the woman who died, again from the Seattle Times. And also from the Seattle Times story: "Health Care for America Now" which is George Soros, Obama and SEIU, "paid to take the boy and his grandmother to D.C." So the whole thing was orchestrated by the SEIU. The boy's aunt, grandmother, whatever it is, Gina, works for the SEIU. The SEIU... In other words, a woman who got treatment at two different hospitals without health insurance, her illness and death are being exploited by the union that her mother works for -- and now the kid's trip was paid for by the union. SEIU and all of this, that's Obama.


RUSH: A little more research on the Washington Community Action Network. Technically, these people are not SEIU but they are involved with them. It's close. I want to be accurate here. They're not SEIU, but they're very much involved. And here is their basic stated mission: "to achieve economic fairness in order to establish a Democratic society characterized by racial and social justice --" which just means redistribution of wealth, that's what social justice means, "-- with respect to diversity and a decent quality of life for those who reside in Washington State." They got 50,000 members. That's who the woman who died mother works for, still the woman died. And then the woman's death is exploited by these people, along with the 11-year-old kid.

So the parade of victims continues to march in front of hard working Americans. I have to wonder if every year on this day we will see little Marcelas, growing up before our eyes as Obama and the left use this kid. Obamacare wouldn't have saved his mommy because his mommy didn't care enough about little Marcelas and herself to save herself by simply getting the help that was out there for her. Yet, we will always be reminded while ignoring these facts that she died because there wasn't Obamacare as long as Obama is in the White House. You are being used Marcelas! Just listen to him spout off the talking points.

Here is something funny. After Obama used this kid to push Obamacare through with this bogus story that Tiffany Owen couldn't get any help and was left to die, Obama didn't even have the decency to give this kid one of the pens he signed Obamacare with. Yup, that's our self-centered president for you.