Claire McCaskill Has the Nerve Enough to Bring Up Values in Her Latest Fundraiser E-mail

Need a good laugh? Claire McCaskill is touting her strong values in her latest e-mail to donors. Now remember, Claire Mama Caskill was caught just a couple weeks ago trying to rip off the government as she flew in a private airplane to non-government functions. I guess these are the types of values Claire McCaskill is about.

From her e-mail:

For a lot of people in politics, “guided by my values” is lip service.

Not Claire. She never takes the easy way out when something she believes in is on the line. And as her mother, I couldn’t be prouder.

Yes, Claire Mama Caskill has had her Mama write her supporters telling them Claire has good values even after attempting to rip off tax payers. I guess in Claire's house, when she was a little girl, mama didn't teach that lying was wrong.