Mark Levin Calls Ron Paul Followers "A-Holes"

Come on Mr. Levin? Surely you are better than this. Calling Ron Paul supporters "a-holes?" Then he describes Ron Paul followers as "Marxists."

We are not "a-holes" Mr. Levin. We are freedom-loving people who like Tom Woods, who defeated Mr. Levin in a recent Constitutional argument on the use of the military and presidential powers, support the Constitution. Notice that Mr. Levin hasn't even seen the evidence he describes on the air as he attacks Constitutional Conservatives. I have always enjoyed Mark Levin's show, but I am less likely to listen after he started this rant.

How does Levin know it's Ron Paul followers who are littering his social media sites. Could it be people who want you to believe they are Ron Paul supporters to hurt the rEVOLution? This goes on all the time in politics on Web sites. I think Levin has been way out of line since this war in Libya started.

Ron Paul is on the right side of Obama's illegal war, and Levin is supporting an unconstitutional war forgetting our military is to be used for a "common defense," knowing Libya posed no threat to the US when Obama attacked.