Obama's Illegal War Costs America $100 Million a Day

The United States is quickly approaching the tipping point as next month Congress must decide whether or not to raise the debt ceiling to keep the United States solvent. Personally, I think it's a done deal and the Republican House will vote to raise the debt ceiling. Obama's illegal war against Libya is pushing America faster to the debt ceiling limit.

According to ABC, the first six days of the war cost the United States $600 million. $600 million for a war Obama describes as not a war.

One week after an international military coalition intervened in Libya, the cost to U.S. taxpayers has reached at least $600 million, according figures provided by the Pentagon.

U.S. ships and submarines in the Mediterranean have unleashed at least 191 Tomahawk cruise missiles from their arsenals to the tune of $268.8 million, the Pentagon said.

U.S. warplanes have dropped 455 precision guided bombs, costing tens of thousands of dollars each.

A downed Air Force F-15E fighter jet will cost more than $60 million to replace.

And operation of the war craft, guzzling ever-expensive fuel to maintain their positions off the Libyan coast and in the skies above, could reach millions of dollars a week, experts say.

Like Obama said, we aren't at war regardless of all the cruise missiles fired, a downed US jet, and $600 million of taxpayer dollars gone in a puff of smoke with charred bodies underneath.