PETA Wants to Change the Bible and Remove Animal Sacrfices

PETA, the smut peddling animal rights activist group who sells their message through sex...

now wants to change the verbiage in the Bible to be animal friendly. In other words, remove all the animal sacrifices to God that occur in the Old Testament that were to honor God. Does smut peddler PETA now feel they are above God? As well, the Bible tells Christians how to use the earth including animals, a message that offends PETA.

Gothamist reports:

After they heard that the latest translation of the New International Version of the Bible will now use gender-inclusive language such as “he or she” instead of just “he”, PETA saw an opportunity to change one other thing. The organization has petitioned the Committee on Bible Translation to suggest that its next translation remove “speciesist” language, by referring to animals as “he or she” instead of “it.”

Political Correctness is ruining God's sacred word.