War Monger Obama Defiantly States "I'm Keeping My Nobel Peace Prize"

If Obama was a socialist, his entire presidency would be a sitcom. I haven't decided if he is Jimmy JJ Walker of Good Times or Arnold of Different Strokes. Erkel has already been given to Jesse Jackson Jr. So we have this weeks episode titled "The Peace Prize."

After Obama spends billions of your tax dollars instigating a war with Libya, who posed no apparent threat to the sovereignty of the United States, war protesters started to demand Obama return his Nobel Peace Prize--you know that worthless medal they give to the craziest liberal out there who has done literally nothing to secure world peace. Well, Obama was one of those worthless medal winners.

Now a Nobel Peace Prize winner goes out of his way to create peace around the word, which after all, is where the name peace prize comes from. In recent years, the Nobel Society has become so loony that Adolf Hitler could probably hang one of these peace prizes around his neck, and of course Che' would be a shoe in.

So with protesters around the world demanding Obama return his peace prize, this week's epsiode climaxes with a defiant Obama letting the world no his actions of starting a war doesn't constitute a reason to return his Nobel Peace Prize.

“When I received that award, I specifically said there was an irony because I was already dealing with two wars,” Obama said in an interview with CNN from El Salvador. “So I am accustomed to this contradiction of being both a commander-in-chief but also someone who aspires to peace.”

Of course Obama left out the part that collateral damage--that is innocent civilians in the line of fire becoming victims--did occur in these attacks as he brags he has protected innocent children. Stay tuned for next weeks episode when Obama upgrades the Queen's iPod.