Obama's Rules of Engagement in Libya Are as Unplanned as Economic Recovery

President Obama is symbolic of the current generation of Americans. Act now and worry about the consequences later. This has been true with his stimulus combined with his federal spending--which has led to massive amounts of new federal debt. It has been true with his support of the Federal Reserve printing massive amounts of money. It is now true with his unconstitutional attack on Libya that opposes the "common defense" clause for which the military is supposed to be used.

We find out today just how poorly put together Obama's attack on Libya is as General Carter Ham discusses the rules (or lack of) of engagement.

“We do not provide close air support for the opposition forces. We protect civilians,” Gen. Carter Ham, the top military official in charge of the operation, told reporters in a conference call on Monday. The problem is, there is no official communication with the rebel forces on the ground and there is no good way to distinguish the rebel fighters engaged against the government forces from civilians fighting to protect themselves, he said.

“Many in the opposition truly are civilians…trying to protect their civilian business, lives, and families,” said Ham. “There are also those in the opposition that have armored vehicles and heavy weapons. Those parts of the opposition are no longer covered under that ‘protect civilians’ clause” of the U.N. Security Council resolution that authorized military intervention.

“It’s a very problematic situation,” Ham admitted. “Sometimes these are situations that brief better at the headquarters than in the cockpit of an aircraft.”

So I guess the question needs to be asked, is Obama's illegal war against Libya leading to more civilian deaths because Obama rushed to war than would have been if Obama had stayed out of the conflict as the Constitution prescribes him to do. I believe we have just entered another endless war that will soon lead to another occupation and another puppet government that will soon turn against us as the underlying motive of Obama's attack is exposed.