Is Oil the Real Reason Obama Attacked Libya: Qaddafi Wanted to Nationalize Middle Eastern Oil in 2009

Bill Kristol of Fox News called Obama's illegal war against Libya as driven by a "freedom-loving" president after last nights speech. If you read between the lines, freedom requires the free flow of oil to drive our modern economy. Is this what really inspired Bill Kristol's Obamagasm after the president's speech last night?

If you go back in history, not too far back, you will discover Qaddafi may have given the United States reasons to be concerned. While Obama will describe his efforts as humanitarian, an underlying theme is hard to deny. OIL!

In 2009, Qaddafi uttered the “N” word – nationalization. Not only for Libya’s oil, but all oil in the region.

Qaddafi stated, "The oil-exporting countries should opt for nationalization because of the rapid fall in oil prices. We must put the issue on the table and discuss it seriously. Oil should be owned by the State at this time, so we could better control prices by the increase or decrease in production.”

Notice he doesn't call just for Libya to nationalize. Why we can't have this radical thinking going on the Middle East, can we? Obama attacked Libya for oil--not to save the lives of Libyans.