Obama's Planning a Ground War in Libya: Marines Headed, CIA Been There Done That

BBCW was ahead of the curve in warning you Obama was sending ground troops to Libya. News broke hard yesterday about Marines returning to the shores of Tripoli, but I warned you last week.

We now have a motive as to why Obama launched this war on Libya. It's all about the free flow of oil. It may not be oil the United States is dependent on, but it is oil allies like the United Kingdom needs. Yes the UK and France depend on Libya for their oil. All you Obamaphytes that attacked Bush claiming his wars weren't about democracy but were about oil, it looks like your boy has launched a parallel war and he is now sending Americans to put their lives on the line so the UK and France get their oil.

It's not just Marines heading to Libya. It turns out the men in black, you friendly CIA has been in Libya for weeks gathering intelligence to launch Obama's illegal war.

Today, the NY Times picked up the story and confirms that there are spooks — American and British alike — in Libya. In fact, they’ve been there for several weeks. Let’s see…Obama officially launched his Unconstitutional, illegitimate war, unilaterally, 11 days ago and the CIA has been there for weeks. So, there was no time to go to Congress and get a declaration of war — as required by the Constitution -—while Congress was still in session? Isn’t that why the CIA was in Libya?