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Dr. Hoeman |
The latest IB cheerleader is Dr. Michael Hoeman, a school board member in the Springfield Public School System, where only one school has the IB.
With the controversial International Baccalaureate program once again topping the Ozark School Board agenda March 24, board members heard views from Dr. Michael Hoeman, a current Springfield Public School Board member and father of three IB graduates—and one of those graduates.
“IB has helped equip my kids with the skills they need to succeed in higher education,” he said. “IB provided a solid foundation for their future.”
And Hoeman didn’t mince words when attacking IB critics—none of whom attended the meeting.
“I’ve read all about the indoctrination of IB students and I don’t know where it comes from,” Hoeman said. “These claims are made by a person who has never set foot in an IB school or classroom; and, for lack of a better word, is just nuts.”
I thought, in order to have a Dr. in front of your name, you had to be able to do some research and have a good understanding of basic vocabulary. Apparently, that wasn't a requirement to whoever handed out the title to Dr. Hoeman, Springfield school board member.
Indoctrination is as simple as providing a bias in education. It really isn't too hard to accomplish, especially when you look at how schools across the country have been hijacked by teacher unions like the NEA. We have had a month of examining the Wisconsin Schools, and I would be worried about sending my kids to school there. Apparently Dr. Hoeman doesn't understand the concept of indoctrination or he simply chooses to pass it off as, what did this guy call our claim? Nuts?
Which brings us to my next point. If the IB is as innocent as Dr. Hoeman says they are, then why does the IB feel the need to endorse radical left-wing Marxist ideas? I am not sure if Dr. Hoeman studied history or not, but haven taken a political science class on Marxism, Karl Marx believed the key to revolutionary change is through the educational system. This means the schools are a great target for a program like the IB, who endorses these radical left-wing Marxist, anti-American ideas. Don't believe me? Indoctrination is a key part of the Communist Manifesto, and John Holdren, who is Obama's chief science advisor, recently stated that education is the key to getting the country to accept global warming. Did I mention, it was Obama who pushed for the IB with William Ayers in the Chicago school systems, and the IB places a strong emphasis on concepts like global warming. Start putting all this together, and you can clearly see the IB could easily be a tool for indoctrination as could any educational vehicle. The very idea this educated man who represents the public school system discounted indoctrination concerns me.
So let's look at the endorsements the IB has made, which shows a bias that could lead to indoctrination.
They support both the United Nations Human Rights Doctrine, the controversial anti-American and anti-capitalist Kyoto Accord, and once endorsed the George Soros funded earth charter. That's three very influential anti-American agendas.
The ideologies of these three agendas include:
Earth worship (pantheism).
Socialized medicine.
World federalism.
Income redistribution among nations and within nations.
Contraception and “reproductive health” rights (inc., legal abortion).
World-wide “education for sustainability” which means planned communities and citizens told where they must live.
Debt forgiveness and different standards for third-world nations.
Adoption of gay rights and the right of children to all sexual materials and literature.
Elimination of any right to bear arms.
Environmental extremist positions, including global warming, bans on pesticides and genetically enhanced vegetables.
Setting aside biosphere reserves where no human presence is allowed, which means the government may come in and take your land for its own higher purposes — something that is now being debated in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
The idea Dr. Hoeman and many others on the Ozark school board are ignoring the IB's associations and passing their opposition who have discovered these connections as "nuts" concerns me. These people obvious don't have the best interests of the children in their communities in mind if they aren't willing to examine the entire IB spectrum.