Congressman Billy Long vs. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin

Billy Long claimed he was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool. Let's put that to the test one more time and look at the recent words of Billy Long and compare it to a quote from founding father Benjamin Franklin.

From the Springfield News-Leader:

When asked about the provision in the bill that would sell off the frequency used by amateur radio operators, Long said that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to and because the bill is supported by many organizations that are committed to public safety, something he values.

So in essence, Billy Long is willing to take away freedoms for public safety since this bill would obviously create more regulations that places more restrictions on all Americans who have the opportunity to engage in HAM radio communications all in the name of public safety.

In poor health, and with tears falling down his face, Benjamin Franklin signed our Constitution limiting the role of government and creating a union ruled by laws--a Republic. Billy Long claims his Pocket Constitution with Benjamin Franklin's name listed as a signer is rode hard and put up wet--Billy Long's claim that he actually reads and understands the Constitution and its limits on government. So let's see what Benjamin Franklin had to say about the public safety, since he obviously just didn't read the Constitution, he signed the Constitution and engaged in its debate.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.--Benjamin Franklin

Clearly, Congressman Long is on the wrong side of another issue citing public safety, something the federal government has limited powers to create, to justify another one of his not-so-Tea-Party positions.

Winner: Benjamin Franklin--did you have any doubts?