Hazelwood, Missouri Closes Down a Girl Scout Cookie Stand: Misery Nazi's Stop Girls from Selling Cookies at Home

I live in Missouri, and I think they should rename the state to Misery, a state where people are so miserable they complain about Girl Scouts selling cookies. If you want justification for the name change, then go to the city of Hazelwood, Missouri, where it's probably easier to methamphetamine than it is to buy Girl Scout cookies. (Remember Missouri is always competing for the title meth capital of the world.)

Girl Scouts Abigail and Caitlin Mills were selling Girl Scout cookies, a time honored tradition that was once enjoyed by all with the exception of dieters, when the city of Hazelwood decided to enforce some home occupancy codes and put an end to these girls efforts to raise money for their troop. Law enforcement put an end to their Girl Scout cookie selling.

They’d been warned, but the city says the Girl Scouts Abigail and Caitlin Mills continued to sell Girl Scout cookies from a stand in front of their home. A neighbor complained anonymously because of all the people and the traffic and the dogs barking at all the people and the traffic.

“Based on this complaint, the city of Hazelwood had to take action,” says spokesman Tim Davidson. He says it is also against city code to sell products from home.

Against the law to sell products from your home? Are you serious? No e-bay, internet sales, garage sales, and Girl Scout cookie sales? Who are these Nazis in Hazelwood, Misery? Good grief!