Reading the Tea Leaves for Articles of Faith

Mike Church has produced another excellent Church Doctrine. The subject today, why the new Republican Congress has already betrayed the Tea Party, and how to fix it if you are a Tea Partier. Here's Mitta Church...

It was 1 year ago that many listeners began their noisy rumblings about the Tea Party winning congressional elections and that changing the way Mordor on the Potomac River does business. Then, as now, I warned that plowing all those folks’ well intentioned, patriot energy into the Congressional elections would yield heartbreak and disappointment. This was because of my conviction that the systemic problems of Mordor cannot be fixed by sending in new deck chairs. That the $3.7 trillion bounty Congress has grown to love spending has created an equally voracious constituency to gobble up that largesse.

Because representation is so un-representative with each Congressman representing 710,000 people, even IF you sent men committed to the task, recent stats suggest that over 300,000 of Congressman X’s constituents ARE clients of the welfare state. This includes the military industrial contractors, the agri-business, the drug business, the direct wealth transfer recipient, the corporatist hacks in finance and Wall Street and I could go on. Republicans serve that constituency with as much energy as do Dumbocrats. This makes Mordor impervious to internal sabotage which is the only way power could be diverted.

What’s the solution then? Channeling those energies into local elections and making certain those locally elected are committed to kicking the federal money habit and calling for an Article V Amendment Convention. This is a far cry better endeavor than believing Republicans will cut spending because THAT is an article of faith.

Copyright 2011 Mike Church Show