Barack Obama on War, US Aggression, and Imperialism

The United States Constitution gives the federal government the power to create a military for the common DEFENSE of the United States--not the common offense. In other words, it is not Constitutional to go waging wars around the world. That didn't stop Barack Obama from attacking Libya, who has posed no legitmate threat to the freedoms, liberties, and sovereignty of the United States. Obama has misused the United States military in his attack against Libya.

So isn't it funny, when you go back through the pages of history to hear one Senator Barack Obama from the broke state of Illinois attack the previous president who history shows questionably began a war in Iraq while changing the way the American military is used through the Bush Doctrine, which I believe goes against the United States Constitution, since our founding fathers didn't set up the military to launch wars. We have been on this path every since Desert Storm, and for some reason, blowing things up has been confused as patriotic.

Let's look at what Obama said as we continue to cite the Constitutional reason for our military is to provide a common defense.

“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

– Sen. Barack Obama, 12/20/2007.

For once in his life Barack Obama was right; however, he obviously isn't living up to his own ethos.