Obama Won't Cut Federal Education Programs: Indoctrination is the Reason

Last month, Obama's top science advisor John Holdren said the key to getting the public to accept global warming is education. In other words, Holdren and Obama knows the current generation of adults will continue to live life knowing global warming is a man-made fraud with evidence of cooked books from Hadley CRU, and to change that, conditioning must take place in the classroom to ensure today's students are indoctrinated into these liberal beliefs like the bad science of global warming. Of course, one of the tools the Obama administration is pushing is the same program he pushed for with unrepentant terrorist William Ayers in the Chicago schools systems--the International Baccalaureate.

The IB includes this liberal indoctrination into their curriculum. Students are led to believe they will be better prepared for college as they become "global citizens," but the truth is the IB endorses radical left-wing doctrines that revolve around Marxists ideas like the UN's Human Rights Doctrine that calls for the redistribution of wealth and disarming citizens as well as the Earth Charter, which is more radical environmental nonsense. It's not hard to see where the Obama administration is leading our Republic's children with education.

Considering Obama's Marxist roots in college that have been documented, is it any wonder Holdren and Obama want more control of schools across the country even without any Constitutional authority? Of course not.

That's why Obama is calling for more federal money for education. Of course the administrators of most schools, forgetting the interests of the students, have their hands out ready to take as they make their Faustian deal. With another broken federal education program--George W. Bush's No Child Gets Educated, I mean No Child Left Behind--Obama is ready to throw more money at it in hopes of fixing it. Remember, there is a goal here and that is to control you child's mind, just like Holdren stated with his push for a global warming agenda in public schools. Global warming is about controlling the people by placing them on government controlled grids (like the electric smart grid and high-speed rails) while parting you with more of your money through more taxes like cap and trade. The truth is the earth goes through natural warming and cooling periods and man can't stop that, and the belief that he can is pure arrogance and deception.

President Obama told middle-school students on Monday that he won’t accept cuts to education money even as he looks for ways to cut down the deficit.

“We need both more money and more reform,” Obama said at a school in nearby Arlington, Va., as he asked Congress to “fix” the No Child Left Behind law by the next school year. “Fixing our failing schools costs money. It requires reform, but it costs some money.”

Obama argued: “We cannot cut education. We can't cut the things that will make America more competitive.” And he said that while he’s “determined to cut our deficits,” that won’t be done by targeting education. “I refuse to do it by telling the students here ... that we’re not willing to invest in their future,” he said.

Let's look at this. The Department of Education was established in 1980 under Jimmy Carter. Since then, has the public school systems prepared kids to be more competitive? Everywhere I look are stories of lower test scores and broken programs like Bush's No Child Gets Educated, I mean Left Behind. This isn't about competitiveness. If it was the federal government would get out of the way and let local communities run their schools without all these federal mandates like this failure Bush launched.