The Fine Folks at Neosho Public Schools Need a Lesson on Civics: Billy Long is Not a US Senator

Each high school student in the state of Missouri is required to pass a Constitution and Missouri Constitution test before they graduate. The US Constitution test should require kids to know the difference between a Representative and a US Senator. It's not brain surgery, as our Founding Fathers gave us a document that's quite easy to understand, and they left us the Federalist Papers in case we had any question.

So the fine folks at Neosho Public Schools have raised some red flags. (I believe this is where State Senator Gary Nodler went to school, so perhaps he could stop in and make sure the school district is up to par in civics, because I am little worried. On Twitter and Facebook, they refer to Congressman Billy Long as Senator Billy Long. I don't know what is scarier the fact Neosho Public Schools is providing education and doesn't understand that Long is a Representative or the idea of Billy Long in the US Senate.