Does This Mean Billy Long isn't Ready to Get the Federal Government Out of Education?

I recall on the campaign trail when Billy Long was asked about education, his answer was simple and right. We need to get the federal government out of education and return it to local and state control. That's the right answer. Nowhere in our US Constitution does the federal government have any power to provide or influence education in the United States.

Since the federal government got involved in education, the quality of our schools have decreased. We have failed programs like No Child Left Behind that holds the most talented kids back and has cost taxpayers tremendously. We have a federal student loan program that has enslaved students to large amounts of debt, driven up the costs of a college education, has created another bubble set to pop, and lowered the quality of education by removing competition because the amount of money the federal government allows into the market.

So considering Billy Long's stance on Education, I was a little surprised to see this Tweet today:

Thanks to Wade Williams of Crowder College for stopping by this morning to discuss the TRIO program that helps lots of 7th Dist. Students

Long is referring to the federal program known as TRIO,an outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs. TRIO also includes a training program for directors and staff of TRIO projects.

In other words, educational federal welfare that is driving up our national debt. I am guessing, since Billy Long is tweeting this he is pandering to college students rather than admit these federal programs need to be done away with across the board, especially when you consider not one enumerated power gives Congress the ability to appropriate for federal education programs--yes, that's what your "rode hard and put up wet pocket Constitution" says Mr. Long.

Since Mr. Long's tweet seems positive in nature, I am going to assume that Long was never sincere about turning control of education back to local and state governments and get the federal government out of education once and for all.