Talk of Repealing Obamacare Will Soon Die: Republicans Will Sell Out the American People

Those evil big corporations liberals often complain about and Republicans embrace are starting to embrace Obamacare. Yes, it's hard to believe after all the negative attention Obamacare has received from other corporations who have already started cutting their benefits. It appears some corporations are optimistic and are actually starting to praise Obamacare. The more big corporations praise, the more likely Republicans will eventually drop "repeal and replace" as they discover what's in it for them as well.

I am telling you, the seed is being planted and the Republicans are going to water and fertilize it. There are already signs of it with some Republicans, like Billy Long of Missouri, praising key ingredients of the healthcare reform law known as Obamcare. Long himself believes forcing insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions and allowing 26 year olds to retain child status are strong points of the bill.

Now we are getting this from the LA Times:

And as talk of repealing the law dominates political debate, the new quality initiative is quietly winning the support of corporate leaders, doctors and healthcare experts across the political spectrum...

"We have a great opportunity ahead of us," said Larry Becker, benefits director at Xerox Corp., which has been working with healthcare providers to streamline care in markets where it has facilities.

If big corporations begin talking like this, I don't expect the Republicans to hit the trenches like they promised. Remember, these aren't your Thomas Jefferson type Republicans.