Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Tells Afghan President to Shut Up and Let Us Lead

Mike Church has a great segment from a show earlier this week in which he points out the federal government's plan to run Afghanistan. I guess it's no surprise that Hamid Karzai is a puppet of the American government, but let's think back to the American revolution. Do you think the founding fathers would approve of our government acting in similar ways to old King George?

Audio) Mandeville, LA - Turns out the Afghan people don't like being ordered and marshalled about by American Forces, they don't like the American presence in their villages, nor do they enjoy the fly by night drones that continue to kill people. So, we begin this audio transcript with a blaring digital media file from non other than Secretary Of State Hillary Rodham Clinton telling the Afghans, led by President Hamid Karzai, to shut up and let us keep doing what we're doing because we know what's best, dammit we're Americans for God's sake. Folks, if this statement really needed to fall on anticipating ears shouldn't it have been delivered by Obama or the bomber himself Petraeus?

Who are we to be telling people all throughout creation that we know what's good for them and their government, and if they don't like it we'll just invade. We are trying to institutionalize an American form of Government to a country that doesn't want it. This is hubris, this is arrogance, and this is what empires do. Are we trying to be an empire? Because all empires fall and they usually fall pretty hard and stay down for quite a while.

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike: You’re going to hear Mrs. Clinton basically say, we know what’s good for you dumbass Afghanis. Shut up and take it. Here, roll the digital media file.

[Clip] Secretary Clinton: On President Karzai’s concerns, we share these concerns. We’ve discussed them on a number of occasions. But we believe that these operations are in the best interests of the Afghan people, [Mike: What?] the Afghan people, the Afghan government, and the ISAF troops who are working with their Afghan counterparts to secure the country.

[Clip] Dumb bitch.

Mike: I did not just hear that. Well, we heard what the stupid idiot president of Afghanistan – eh, shut up, old man, we know what’s best for you. Did you hear that? We believe, WE believe, the United States, we believe. But no, we’re not nation-building over there. No, no, no, no, no. “Mr. Church, we are there because we’re protecting the homeland from jihadi terrorists, Mike. You don’t know what you’re talking [sputtering]. You sit up there, and you hang out with Ron Paul and Rand Paul too much. These people, no, we are there to – we are fighting for freedom. We’re fighting for – we’re fighting against al Qaeda there, Mr. Church.”

We are? Really. Did you hear your Secretary of State? We know what’s best for you Afghanis. You bunch of knuckle-dragging, barely evolved from the Eighth Century camel jockeys. We know what the hell we’re doing. Shut up. Am I being hard on Mrs. – I mean, I heard this, and I damn near drove off the road. But we’re not building empires. We’re not running other governments. We’re welcomed in all these places where our troops are. And by golly, we’re good to the core, Mom and apple pie. Play it again. I want you to – I want to drill this one into people’s heads.

Now, second, the second thing that ought to bother or should just raise some bells in some people’s brains, obviously I’m the only one because I haven’t heard it anywhere else, but that’s okay, I don’t mind being the leader. I’m always out here on my little island. If someone has to do this, it ought to be Obama, or it ought to be Petraeus, the guy who’s actually bombing the snot out of villages and sending drones and taking out people indiscriminately. And somehow, miraculously, in the dead of night, we know exactly who was blown to kingdom come. Not an American troop within 500 miles, but we know down to the birth date of who we got, that the drone took out.

So one more time. And Mrs. Clinton was asked a question, said well, Afghan President Hamid Karzai is saying that the Afghan people, they don’t like you guys anymore, and they don’t like the troops being around. They don’t like being ordered about. They don’t like being marshaled about by American forces. They especially don’t like these drones that are flying all over hither and yon, bombing these people in the middle of the night. They don’t like the American presence in their villages. First General Petraeus responded by saying, bah, it’s part of the plan. Okay. And then this was Mrs. Clinton’s response, one more time.

[Clip] Secretary Clinton: On President Karzai’s concerns, we share these concerns. We’ve discussed them on a number of occasions. But we believe that these operations are in the best interests of the Afghan people, the Afghan government, and the ISAF troops who are working with their Afghan counterparts to secure the country.

Mike: It’s in the best interests of the Afghan people, the Afghan government, Afghan troops. Look, look, look, look here. You idiots in Afghanistan, you really don’t have anything to say about it.

You know what this reminds me of? And I have the story here today. Where did you go? It’s in the pile here. Got a Pile of Prep here somewhere. Oh, here it is. L.A. Slimes, editorial here from today’s L.A. Slimes dotcom. Here’s the title: “Shut up and be scanned. The airport security devices may be intrusive, but they’re a necessary evil.” What you just heard Mrs. Clinton say was shut up and be bombed. Shut up and be invaded. Shut up and be occupied, you Afghani hick hayseed Neanderthal knuckle-dragging tea partiers. It almost sounded like she was talking about tea partiers. We know what’s best for these people.

So that’s what it’s come down to now. And even though we talk about this all the time on this program, and I say this to you all the time, frequently on these airwaves, who in the hell are we – you’d better go back and read that Declaration of Independence again. Who in the hell are we to be running around the planet, telling people that we know what’s good for them, and we know what’s good for their government. And if they don’t like it, well, we’ll just send the troops in. Terrorist. Found one. Terrorist, right there. Time to invade. But we don’t have a problem. No, no, no, it’s everyone else’s fault. So maybe, I don’t know, I’m not saying, I’m just saying, maybe there may be some people in Afghanistan that don’t much care for American forces having been there for a decade, can’t understand why they’re still there, don’t understand why Uncle Bobo Mohammed got his leg blown off in the middle of the night and was doing nothing more than feeding the chickens. Boy, this hubris and this arrogance here, this is what empires do, ladies and gentlemen. And I don’t care which one of you out there doesn’t like it. You ought to be embarrassed by this. “Well, Mike, we’re out there trying to get al Qaeda.” We’re not trying to get al Qaeda. We can use special ops forces to get al Qaeda.

We are trying to institutionalize an American form of government in a country that doesn’t want it. And guess who gets to pay for it? That’s right, Mr. and Mrs. Tea Partier, you get to pay for it. Oh, but don’t worry, we’re going to cut the budget. Yeah, where you going to cut it at? Afghanistan’s obviously off the table. Oh, no, Mrs. Clinton said we’ve got, well, we’ve got to be there. Karzai needs to shut the hell up. I mean, my God, just the level of arrogance is stunning. The level of hubris, of just conceit is stunning.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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