The Federal Government's Unemployment Lies: 'Lies the Feds Can Tell That You Can’t'

'Lies the Feds Can Tell That You Can’t'

Hi folks it’s Mike Church with today’s Church Doctrine:

There is a daily drumbeat that comes from Camp Stimulus on the banks of the Potomac River. Carried on the beat is the message that the Porkulus Stimulus Succubus created or saved 3.1 million jobs and that we have all been spared the misery of another Great Depression.

As I have chronicled for you over the last 2 years, this is just simply not supported by the evidence at hand. To make the scam worse new data that has been released shows that there has actually been a loss of over 6 million benefits paying jobs in the last year alone, and that’s the good news. The bad news is that in the last 2 years the number of benefits paying jobs lost is over 8 million. Now enquiring minds ought to be asking the question: if 6 million good jobs were torched in the last year and none of that can be traced to “early retirements” and ”statistical adjustments” then how has the unemployment rate dropped down to 9.6 percent?

The answer is that the federal gubbmint is still cooking its books and only releasing data that supports their propaganda campaign. If the American public took the time to digest this news and think about the fact that their lives and then their kids lives will be spent repaying the debt incurred to finance this outrage, there would be a lot more unemployed and a lot more in jail.

From the Mike Church Sirius Patriot radio program.