Private Airport Screeners Must Meet TSA Groping Guidelines: The Only Solution is to End the TSA

The Daily Caller has a fascinating piece that shows just how embedded the Department of Homeland Security is in the Airline industry. We found out a couple days ago, airports could opt out of the TSA standing guard and groping passengers; however, the Department of Homeland Security has made it to where airports, because of costs, are less likely to do that, forcing private companies who provide security to "touch the junk."

“They have less red tape or restrictions in how they use their people,” said Ian Redhead, from Kansas City International, which uses private screeners. He continued, “They have to comply with rules, but because they are a private company, and they were used to doing this and managing people, they [are] probably more efficient at doing it.”

Regardless of who screens the passengers, however, screeners will use the same methods, explained TSA spokesman Greg Soule.

“All commercial airports are regulated by TSA whether the actual screening is performed by TSA officers or private companies. TSA sets the security standards that must be followed and includes the use of enhanced pat downs and imaging technology, if installed at the airport,” Soule wrote to TheDC in an e-mail.

The only solution to this is to repeal the Department of Homeland Security and its TSA. That's not likely to happen considering the new American police state.