Many Fear Billy Long's Reelection Bid Will be Partially Subsidized by the United States Government

When it comes to character, Southwest Missourians picked the lowest common denominator during the Republican primary. Billy Long ran as a fed up outsider, but all the while he was creating a vast network tied to the inside party and Washington establishment that showed Long how the game was played. Now some voters are worried, especially since Long kicked off his reelection campaign less than ten days after the reelection, Billy Long will do whatever, even break the rules, to get an advantage over any Republican challenger in 2012.

The following comment was left on the Turner Report yesterday. The commenter has heard through the grapevine that Billy Long's campaign manager Royce Reding will play a key role in Billy Long's reelection bid while being funded by taxpayers to do so.

Billy told some of the Metro crowd that his campaign manager would be in charge of his staff in the district.

Is this the same guy who never blinked an eye when he attacked Jack Goodman's character in the primary election?

If so, he'll be a high paid political operative who will work at taxpayer expense to work toward only one goal, a successful election of Mr. Long in 2012.


I have a feeling the comment is right. If you watched the election closely, Long wasn't about the issues or the people, he was about himself and building up his campaign war chest, and an e-mail that went out earlier this month to Missouri State Poly Sci students continued to push the idea Billy Long will maintain the status quo of big money in politics.