It's Time to Fight Against Big Corn: High Fructose Corn Syrup in Everything is Increasing Diabetes in the United States

Consumers in the free market need to go to war against the powerful corn lobby heavily funded by Monsanto. Diabetes is on the rise and a new report by United Health Claims claims half of Americans will face being a diabetic in the next ten years. I have no doubt this is because of the pressure put on by companies like Monsanto to use corn for everything including sugars.

Just look at the ingredients in most of the products sitting on the grocery store shelves and you will find high fructose corn syrup. It is being used in everything from bread, to sodas, to fruit juices, tea, cereal, canned fruits and veggies, to condiments, to medicines, ice cream, soups, and even salad dressings and sauces. It's everywhere, and there is little doubt it's being used to increase your craving for food by sweetening the food for pleasure, and many doctors feel it is more likely to bring about the onset of diabetes than just normal sugar. Considering that half of Americans are facing the onset of diabetes in America, it's obvious the switch from natural sugar to high fructose corn syrup is a factor.

First let me state, this must be defeated outside the halls of government; although, that is going to get tougher since the Senate is pushing forward the Food Safety Act, which is going to make life harder on organic farmers and easier for Monstanto to gain more power over the food supply. It is going to be up to consumers to check labels and stop buying products located with high fructose corn syrup.

High fructose corn syrup gained popularity in the 1980s because it was cheaper than using real sugar. Coca-Cola is probably the most famous product to switch, of course their switch created a national outrage. They switched from the original formula with real sugar to the "new" Coke, which consumers hated. It was sweeter and unlike the old Coke, it was sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. By the time anger swept across the United State demanding the old Coke be returned to shelves, Coke had totally replaced the original recipe from sugar to high fructose corny syrup, and consumers didn't complain. They were just happy they had what they though was an old friend on the shelves. Some people could taste the difference. I personally think Coca-Cola doesn't even come close to tasting as good as it used to.

Of course the switch was purely an economics decision. It was cheaper to use government subsidized corn to produce high fructose corn syrup than it was to use real sugar. Of course now that decision may come with a $3.35 trillion medical bill price tag as diabetes continues to increase throughout the Untied States, according to the report.