Doesn't the Tea Party Have Better Things to Do Than Promote Bristol Palin on Dancing With the Stars?

Sirius AP News says one Tea Party Web site is pushing its Tea Party members to rally around Bristol Palin and her lackluster dancing on Dancing with the Stars finale. Are you serious?

Doesn't the Tea Party have better things to do with their time than engage in this dumbing down of America reality TV that prompts up talentless hacks like Adam Labert (American Idol) who don't share our values? I am sorry. I just have a real problem with all these reality TV series that involves no thinking. It's zombie TV.

Surely the any Tea Party has better things to do with their time, as these new Republicans are asking us to trust them, than to focus on whether or not Bristol Palin wins Dancing with the Stars.

By the way, as a Motley Crue fan, it hurts to see that Vince Neil will be figure skating on the new Skating with the Stars. I won't be watching that either. What is wrong with this world? Motley Crue and figure skating?