Did the TSA Astroturf Photo of Two Young Girls Thanking the TSA for Keeping Them Safe on the TSA Blog?

A suspicious photo was placed by "Blogger Bob" on the official TSA blog. Supposedly, it was taken at the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Airport earlier today.  Yes, the government pays someone to blog on the official TSA blog. I didn't even know they had a blog until a few minutes ago.

The photo is of two young school girls holding up a poster board that reads "Thank you TSA for keeping my family safe." What follows the pictures are claims Americans are complying with the TSA checkpoints with few people opting out? There is a national outrage in this country now, and "Blogger Bob" is scanning the airports reporting how few people have opted out today. This rhetoric concerns me, especially when a recent Zogby Poll showed 61% of Americans think the TSA have gone too far. All this seems fabricated, photo and all. Not to mention, as Blogger Bob writes about few opting out, we learn from multiple tweets that passengers were directed around the full body scanners.

Isn't it funny that the official blog for the TSA paints a rosy picture today of the TSA, and there just happens to be two young girls holding a sign who just so happen to know the letters TSA and what they do at the airport. What are they brainwashing the children at school now "TSA good. American police state good. Let them touch your junk and see your naked bodies."

Excuse me if I have come to doubt these two little girls on the TSA blog. It just seems really strange to me that two little girls would even care enough to make a sign promoting the TSA. Don't they have better things Justin Beaver? What are these girls anyway 10, maybe 11?