As of Now TSA Promises No Cavity Searches, at Least Until the Next Terrorist Hides Something Within

When the shoe bomber failed an attack over New York, we were told to take off our shoes at the airport. When the underwear bomber messed up last Christmas, the TSA began their naked body scans followed by their intrusive sexual assault pat downs. Today, we are getting a promise from the TSA, a promise that should make us "feel safe" about the TSA's practices.

"We're not going to get in the business of body cavities, that's not where we are," says TSA Administrator John Pistole.

Yeah, but when the TSA was formed they weren't in the sexual assault business either, nor were they shoe inspectors. So really what weight is there in the TSA's promise of no cavity searches? All it take is one boogie man to attempt to blow up something from within his body and the next thing you know, the TSA is sticking their fingers up.... Well, I think you know what I mean. Pistole went on to continue.

"Even if it is a body cavity [bomb], you still have to have an initiator, you have to have some external device to cause that initiation," he said. "There's got to be something external that you can then initiate the device and that's what the advance imaging technology machine will pick up: Any anomaly outside of the body."

Of course, terrorists are well funded. Whose to say they won't come up with an external device that can't be detected. Heck, I bet you could use an iPhone or a lap to to send a signal to a device. It's only a matter of time.

We are in a natural progression here, and with each terrorist comes more invasive inspections.