Airports Fear Thanksgiving Protests Against the TSA: National Opt Out Day Could Mess Up Air Travel for the Holidays

Officials are worried Thanksgiving protests of the TSA--a national opt out day--will cause massive back ups at the airport and disrupt holiday travel. Experts say even if only one or two people participated in the effort, that it could cause delays. Considering the mood across the nation with the TSA, the national opt out protest could be the most chaotic thing we have seen at the airports ever, and it will be fun to watch. It's just a few hours away now.

"Just one or two recalcitrant passengers at an airport is all it takes to cause huge delays," said Paul Ruden, a spokesman for the American Society of Travel Agents, which has warned its more than 8,000 members about delays resulting from the body-scanner boycott.

It doesn't take much to mess things up anyway -- especially if someone purposely tries to mess it up."

Fox News reports a naked body scan takes about ten seconds; however, the more people who opt out means more TSA agents are required to move passengers to the area they touch the junk.

"I don't think it would take that much on the busiest day of the year to slow things down," said Gerry Berry, a Florida-based airport security expert. "If I was an airport guy, a screener, a traveler -- I'd be concerned."

And perhaps, this truth is the real power Americans have to kick the TSA out of the airports. The way I look at it, that seems to be the only acceptable solution at this point. Losing more liberty and freedom isn't an option in 2010 America.