Welfare Recipients Should be Given a Bill for the Wealth They Have Consumed!

Here's a startling figure out today from CNBC? Federal welfare programs now make up a third of total wages paid out of the total salaries of all Americans. One-third! That's not even the scary part.

Even as the economy has recovered, social welfare benefits make up 35 percent of wages and salaries this year, up from 21 percent in 2000 and 10 percent in 1960, according to TrimTabs Investment Research using Bureau of Economic Analysis data.

“The U.S. economy has become alarmingly dependent on government stimulus,” said Madeline Schnapp, director of Macroeconomic Research at TrimTabs, in a note to clients. “Consumption supported by wages and salaries is a much stronger foundation for economic growth than consumption based on social welfare benefits.”

The US economy has become alarmingly dependent on government stimulus? Do you understand what this means? Remember the stimulus program, according to federal reports, has reached its peak. As I say that, what is the success of it? Is there any real success? If the economy is alarmingly dependent on government stimulus, now that its basically over, well are we going to have to live in even harder times that may have already fixed itself had the Obama administration just let the economy heal itself?

The economy sounds more like Pavlov's dog than anything to put any faith in. I say, where do we send the bill to to stop this madness--possibly the welfare recipients themselves who have consumed this wealth?