The Republic of Sedgwick, Maine: The Church Doctrine

From Mike Church's The Church Doctrine:

I would like to recognize the newest member of the republican communities of these United States: The Republic of Sedgwick Maine. On Friday, 7 March, 2011 Sedgwick’s Town Council passed what it calls a “food sovereignty law” which declares that the residents are free to purchase and sell any food items made or produced in their republic without the consent of or the meddling inspection of these items by County, State or Federal tyrants. This is exactly the way business was conducted in almost every American city before the elites decided their scientists and bureaucrats must endorse and approve the production and sale of these items in the 1930’s. Alex de Touqueville described this in his book “Democracy in America” and he was amazed by the simplicity of it all. This is what I call “republicanism” and is another sign that some Americans have had it with life under unlimited government meddling. Sedgwick has been conducting these town meetings since 1794 and in those 217 years probably never imagined they would set in motion a potential chain of events challenging Mordor on the Potomac River’s authority. The food ordinance asserts its legality using the Declaration of Independence’s “governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed” statement and the MAINE Constitution. This act of free will is going to be challenged by the Federal Leviathan which I hope winds up with the subject of this ordinance all over it’s face: eggs.