Obama Now Wants Swift Action to Overturn Judge Vinson's Ruling that Obamacare is Unconstitutional

Obamacare will eventually get to the Supreme Court, but until then you are going to have serious Constitutional scholars like Judge Roger Vinson and you are going to have friends of Obama rule back and forth. Nowhere in the Constitution does the government have the right to force a person into commerce like Obamacare does, nor does the federal government have any authority to provide "welfare." You libs who come and read this will argue Article One Section Eight says "general welfare" but welfare in the time our Constitution was written is much different today, and James Madison defined what general welfare means in Federalist #41. Madison doesn't define it as billion dollar entitlements.

So Obama want's swift action to overturn Vinson's ruling. From the AP:

The Obama administration is asking a federal appeals court in Atlanta to act swiftly on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the government's health care overhaul.

In a seven-page filing, the Justice Department says expedited treatment of the case is warranted because of the far-reaching nature of the decision by a federal judge who declared the entire law unconstitutional.

The government is proposing that it file its first set of court papers on the issues in the case by April 18 and that those challenging the law file theirs by May 18. The government would file additional papers on June 1.

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled against the Obama administration's health care overhaul on grounds that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring nearly all Americans to carry health insurance.