Jesse Jackson Jr. Shows His Communist Red Colors With iPod and Laptop Speech

I called Jesse Jackson Jr's office yesterday to request a free laptop and iPod. I specifically asked for an iPod touch. The first lady I spoke to transfered me to a gentlemen who accused me of trying to "spin" what Jackson said on the House floor last week. Did Jackson not say there needs to be a Constitutional amendment so people have houses, healthcare, iPods, and laptops in this country?

Now Jackson's office is spinning his words. By the way, doesn't Jesse Jackson Jr. make you think of Erkel grown up?

I am not sure how Jackson's office gets away with spinning with denial. After all, it is Jackson who is calling for a resurrection of FDR's second Bill of Rights. That's what inspired this speech, and that's what Democrats may try to push to win back office and ensure minority votes for Obama in 2012.

Remember Peggy Joseph from Florida? I bet Obama hasn't helped her one bet after she helped him get elected, but now we are going to resurrect hope and change for the mindless minions just in time for the presidential election season. It appears Jesse Jackson, who hails from Obama's home state of Illinois and may be involved in the Blagojevich scandal as well, may be laying the groundwork to create more class envy in the United States. In fact, hasn't that been what the entire Obama administration has been about as the middle class dies?

Kurt Nimmo writes, under FDR’s scheme, the government would provide useful and remunerative jobs, the right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation, the right of farmers to raise and sell products at a return which will provide a decent living, the right of every family to a decent home, the right to adequate medical care, the right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment, and also the right to an education.

FDR’s bill of rights differed little from that of the Communist Party of America. The CPUSA devised a “Bill of Rights Socialism” that will supposedly “guarantee all the freedoms we have won over centuries of struggle, and also extend the Bill of Rights to include freedom from unemployment” and also freedom “from poverty, from illiteracy, and from discrimination and oppression.”

Jackson’s speech is like something right out of the CPUSA playbook.