More Proof the Obama Administration is Preparing for War in Libya

Talk of a no-fly zone in Libya in hopes of forcing Gaddafi out of power and bring stability to Libya was met with warning. Top US commander General James Mattis warned that such an operation would require US bombing raids to take out Libya's air defense systems.

A no-fly zone would require removing “the air defense capability first,” Mattis, the head of Central Command, told a Senate hearing.

“It would be a military operation,” the general said.

I ask, as the United States is broke, and the Pentagon has proven it's not in the business anymore to end wars but rather occupy like in Iraq and Afghanistan, how can the United States afford a third war at this time, and aren't our troops stretched thin enough as it is? Our Constitution says our military is to be used for a common defense of the United States, and once again, it's going to be used to occupy a sovereign country when everything is said and done.